
Welcome to Vancouver Star Laser Centre, a medical laser clinic for body slimming, laser hair removal and skin rejuvenation. We are dedicated to making you feel awesome and looking your very best, with a focus on dependability, extraordinary client service, and a unique scientific approach. We are pleased to welcome you as a new client and feel honoured that you have chosen us to take care of your skin issues, and help you achieve your cosmetic objectives.

Mission statement: We are passionate about building a long-term relationship with our clients through providing long-lasting results by using our state-of-the-art laser technology in a relaxing environment.
Dramatic progress in diagnosis and treatment of diseases that cause increased hope in life expectancy. 
As we grow old we have to take care more of our body .
The best way to manage our health is “prevention”. 
By considering few simple things we can extend our life expectancy easily.
Clinical and paraclinical exams are very useful tools to support a healthy life.

As a medical doctor graduate I would like to share with you helpful information in our free meeting about “How to live a hundred years healthy and watch an informative demonstration.” 

As limited seats are available please confirm your attendance. You may want to come with your friends or spouse to this event. 

This Event takes place every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month at 2 pm.